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Welcome, Amazing Families,
to Concrete Elementary
for the 2022-23 School Year!!!

Many have been wondering how to find out student placement for this school year. Due to safety compliance, we can no longer post classes and student names on the front windows of the school building. So this is our plan:

Grades 1-6 (First Day of School–August 31st)

  • On August 24th, families will receive an email through message center with the following message.
  • Welcome to Concrete Elementary School. Your son or daughter will be in Mr./Ms. ______________ class for ______grade. See you on August 31st.
  • There is a chance that we do not have a current email address for you. If you do not receive an email, you can call or come into the school office and ask between the hours of 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. (360)853-4110
  • We ask for patience with us as we implement this new way of communicating class placement.

Grades TK-K (First Day of School–September 7th)

  • By September 6th, after all of the required family meetings for TK and Kindergarten have taken place, parents will be notified by either email, phone, or class dojo of student placement for the year.

Go Lions!!