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School Closure and Delay Information

Concrete School District will be open daily as scheduled, regardless of weather, unless a closure or late start announcement is made. 

Will delayed days extend the school year?
Washington State law requires 180 days of education for all students. We try to hold school so we don’t have to use makeup days. In the case of district-wide natural events (snow, flooding, high water, ice, thawing, etc.), the state (and district) will count a 2-hour delay day as a full day of instruction. The district understands the burden this may put on working parents and guardians with limited childcare options. We will use the 2-hour delay only if it is determined that it is the safest option for our families.

Who decides, and by when, is the decision to delay or close school made?
District Transportation staff and administrators check the roads between 3:00 to 4:30 a.m. to determine whether it is safe to operate our buses. We also check the conditions, including sidewalks, at our schools. Road conditions and localized weather vary widely from area to area and can change considerably as the morning progresses. Often, the conditions we face within the District boundaries differ greatly from our neighbors to the west (Sedro Woolley, Burlington, and Mount Vernon), so our response to whether we close or delay school opening differs from theirs.

Conditions can change quickly. We may start with a two-hour delay in the hope that the conditions will improve. However, sometimes a two-hour delay is changed to a one-day closure. 

Please consider your personal situation and make the appropriate decision to keep you and your student safe. Students are excused from school when parents request an absence during a school delay or closure. Parents request an absence by contacting the school (by phone or email) or sending a note with their student on the next school day.

The superintendent makes the final judgment on school closure after consulting with transportation and neighboring districts in the early morning hours. 

Delay or Closure information will be available by 5:00 a.m.

If evening weather predictions indicated severe conditions or accumulations for the next morning and afternoon, there is always the possibility that a closure decision could be made sooner.

How is delay or closure information provided to families?
Closure information will be:

  • Shared with the local media by 5:00 a.m.
  • Updated on our website:
  • Sent to staff and families using the district’s notification system (Robocalls and Skyward Messenger)
  • Sent to staff and families who have subscribed to Flash Alert.

Flash Alert

Sign up for Flash Alert at or using the QR code:

QR Code for URL that goes to Concrete School District Flash Alert page.

Possible Levels of Operation
Schools Closed:  If the snowfall or other impactful event is significant enough, we will close schools for all students and staff, and the day will be made up on one of the designated emergency make-up days or if needed, made up by extending the school year. All field trips, after-school activities (sports, clubs, community events), meetings, etc. will be canceled for the day.

Schools Open – Limited Bus Transportation: All students will be picked up (morning) and dropped off (afternoon) at the same location regardless of changes in weather. Buses will not operate in some areas and will only make a group stop in others. See below:

West of Town:

  • Challenger Hill: No service.
  • Logsdon Lane. Group stop at the entrance to Logsdon Lane.
  • Skagit View Village. Group stop at Pressentin Ranch Pillars.
  • Cape Horn: Group stop at Cape Horn Dr and Cedar St.
  • Cedar Grove: Group stop at Sauk Valley Road
  • Pressentin Village: If turnaround has not been plowed, students need to meet the bus at Cape Horn group stop.

East of Town:

  • Thunderbird Lane: Group stop at the corner of Moen and Thunderbird Lane.
  • Sauk Store Road: Group stop at the East End of Sauk Store Road at Hwy 20.
  • Littlefield Road: Group stop at Hwy 20.
  • Rockport: Group stop at the fire station.
  • Ranger Station Road: Group stop at Hwy 20.
  • Marblemount: Group stop at the Shell station.

Schools Operating on Two-Hour Late Schedule with or without limited bus transportation: 

  • All buses will be two hours later than normal. 
  • Pick-up and drop-off locations will be the same for morning and afternoon routes.
  • Breakfast will be served. 
  • After-school programs and organized sporting events that require travel to other school districts will be determined by 1 p.m. with notifications sent via Robocalls, Website, Facebook, and email.
  • No out-of-district transportation will be provided: This involves all programs, including special education, McKinney-Vento, and Northwest Career and Technical Academy (Skills Center). 
  • All field trips will be canceled.