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Concrete School District

Public Announcement Town of Concrete Water

The Town of Concrete is under a boil water requirement until it is determined by the Washington Health Department to be free of contaminants.  The Concrete School District has developed a plan and is well prepared for making certain student and staff safety is our priority.  We will have all faucets and drinking fountains turned off until notified by the Health Department that we are clear to reopen them.  We have purchased bottled water for all our sites and it will be readily available to everyone.  Once we receive notice the system is free of contaminants all facilities will be thoroughly flushed prior to being used by students or staff.  Our food service team has also developed plans to ensure safe preparation and serving of food is adhered to.  Thank you to all our staff who have made certain the safety of our students and staff are paramount.  We will send notice as soon as we are off the current water restrictions.

Wayne Barrett
Concrete School District