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Concrete K-6 PTO

Hello and welcome to the 2014-2015 school year!

The Concrete PTO would like to introduce our new officers and ask you to join us for a vibrant and exciting year! Sheena Daniels (President), Marla Reed (Vice President), Monette Bauer (Treasurer), and Stephanie Morgareidge (Secretary). We are so glad you are here. As a welcome and inclusive community, please join us for fun, friendship, and volunteer and leadership opportunities – you will be glad you did.

What is the PTO and why should I join?

The Parent Teacher Organization is a group of volunteers that work to assist our school. Each individual has the opportunity to make a tremendous difference this year in our children’s experience. Click here to learn more about the benefits for you, your family, and your school in joining.

Concrete PTO Mission/Vision

The Concrete Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization’s mission is to enhance the educational experience of all students and make our school a better place to learn. Our objectives are to:

  •     Provide a forum for collaboration between parents, school, and community members
  •     Enrich the curriculum by providing and supporting programs and activities that fall outside the school budget
  •     Foster partnerships between the community and our school to better identify and share resources.
  •     Encourage and support family involvement in the school and the educational process.


Phone: (360) 853-8145

Sheena Daniels (President)

Marla Reed (Vice President)

Monette Bauer (Treasurer)

Stephanie Morgareidge (Secretary)