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Concrete School Families,

On June 11, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction in Olympia released guidance for reopening of schools in the fall. This document provides direction for districts and outlines the planning work that is needed to be done by each school district.

State Superintendent Chris Reykdal has made it clear that the goal is for schools to begin providing face to face instruction next fall.  At the same time, he acknowledges the difficulties schools will face as they work to comply with guidelines issued by the Department of Health.

Our administrative team will coordinate and communicate our planning work over the coming weeks. This team’s work will focus on:

  1. Placing the safety and emotional well-being of both students and staff at the forefront of planning in order to most effectively re-engage our students in learning.
  2. Monitoring reopening guidance from the state and develop plans accordingly while being ready to adjust plans as circumstances and guidance changes.

Beginning next week our team will begin planning for the following in preparation for our fall opener.  We are all looking forward to reopening our schools but will be required to implement many safety practices which meet Health Department standards and Labor and Industry requirements.

  • Purchasing and organizing safety supplies and materials (PPE, masks, gloves, signage, Plexiglas barriers, cleaning supplies, sanitizing supplies)
  • Improving our system for remote teaching and learning
  • Mapping out daily routines (physical distancing, transportation, drop-off/pick-up, check inprocedures, school and hallway traffic patterns, classroom logistics and practices, custodial, meals, recess, passing times, special populations, hygiene practices)
  • Identifying schedule modifications to allow for physical distancing (split or rotating schedules, phased inschedules)*
  • Creating systems for attendance, learning standards, assessment, and grading
  • Developing a COVID-19 exposure and shut down plan

Thank you for your patience as our team works through these issues carefully and thoughtfully in the weeks ahead.

Wayne Barrett
Concrete School District

[PDF Version]