HS Resources for COVID-19 Closure
April 24, 2020 – Principal’s Letter to Families
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support as we work through this challenging time as a community. Our dedicated staff has created required Home Learning Opportunities for your family during the extended closure.
Our website will be updated with grade-level appropriate content for your student to utilize at home. These required learning opportunities for students will be graded. We know that it will take time for all of us to adjust to these remote learning opportunities, and we anticipate refining and enhancing this work as we learn more. Educators will continue to work and be accessible throughout the closure via digital communication.
While we know this learning will be different from what our students experience full-time in the classrooms, we are grateful to be able to continue engaging our students in meaningful learning during this difficult time.
We remain committed to serving each and every student, and our educators have been diligent in this effort. Thank you to our families for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times. We will continue to provide regular updates on our district website and through our typical channels of communication.
Chromebook Checkout Request (7th/8th Grade Only) Chromebook Guidelines
Chromebooks requested before 3:00 pm will be delivered with the next scheduled food delivery. Please be at your bus stop at the location/time posted in the delivery schedule! If you are not receiving food delivery or need different accommodations for delivery you can contact the tech office at 360-853-4006 or techoffice@concrete.k12.wa.us.
Google Login
If you are logging in to Gmail, Google Classroom, or any other Google service, you must type your whole username which includes “@concrete.k12.wa.us“.
Example: 22student@concrete.k12.wa.us
If you need your password reset, contact the tech office at techoffice@concrete.k12.wa.us
Educational Materials
Google Classroom Codes
*Students with late work should email their teacher directly for guidance and turn-in instructions (late prior to 3/17/2020).
**Students using Edgenuity should continue to work in their courses. Email your online learning teacher for information. Mrs. Joens can also answer questions about online learning.
***Seniors who are working on credit retrieval should contact Mrs. Joens or Mrs. Janda with questions about their courses.
Google Login
If you are logging in to Gmail, Google Classroom, or any other Google service, you must type your whole username which includes “@concrete.k12.wa.us“.
Example: 22student@concrete.k12.wa.us
If you need your password reset, contact the tech office at techoffice@concrete.k12.wa.us
- How to Check Out School Library Books During the Closure
- ProQuest Database Suite: This data source is a huge wealth of information that everyone has access to!
- Username: 46-35931
- Password: bigchalk
Support Staff
Our support staff are available during school hours to provide confidential assistance to students and families regarding mental health, behavioral health, and referrals to community resources.
Steve Londino
Student Assistance Professional
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-8255 - Washington Recovery Help Line
1-866-789-1511 - Skagit Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services
888-336-9591 - The Trevor Project
For information on local resources visit the Skagit County Public Health website,
or call their Human Services department at (360) 416-1500.