Please join us and help keep our schools, families and communities healthy and flu free this season!
The Concrete School District is committed to helping keep our students, parents and our community healthy throughout the entire flu season. That’s why we have partnered with the Seattle Visiting Nurse Association to provide a “flu shot clinic” for our schools.
Many people believe that seasonal influenza (“the flu”) is much like the common cold and that it cannot be prevented. But, influenza is a serious and potentially dangerous disease. Each year students miss approximately 38 million school days due to the flu and each year parents miss more that 10 million workdays caring for their sick children.
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the single best way to protect you and your family from influenza is to receive a “flu shot” each year. The CDC recommends that EVERYONE, over six months of age, should be vaccinated against the flu.
Clinic Location: Elementary Cafeteria / Thursday / October 10, 2019 / 4:00 – 6:00pm
The Clinic is open to all Concrete School District faculty, staff, students, and their families (children four years of age and older). Please note that students under the age of 18 will need a Patient Consent Form signed by a parent or guardian. Patient Consent Forms are available as an attachment to this email. Please complete one for each person and bring the form(s) with you to the event. Forms will also be available at the clinic.
All participants will be asked to provide their health insurance information (card) to receive an immunization. SVNA will electronically bill the insurance plan for your flu shot. They bill almost all insurance plans, but are not able to accept Cigna. Flu shots are considered preventive care and normally are not subject to deductibles or co-pays. Students 18 years and under without current health insurance coverage will be offered a flu shot at no cost. Adults without current insurance coverage may pay the $40.00 immunization fee for standard Quadrivalent with cash or check.