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Emergency Procedures

Policy 6883 – Closure of Facilities


The Transportation Supervisor and Superintendent will make the determination regarding school closure of delays in the school day.

Road conditions will be monitored prior to a 5:00 AM announcement. The Transportation Supervisor and Superintendent will be responsible for this decision. The county will be contacted for their input. Once it has been determined to modify the school day, the Transportation Supervisor will notify PSECS (Public Schools Emergency Communications System). PSECS will then notify radio and TV stations. This is done on-line using a prescribed password and user name.


The Transportation Supervisor will immediately notify bus drivers and bus monitors.

The Superintendent will call Principals, Food Service, Maintenance, and Alternative Education.

Principals will initiate their building phone trees.


A.  If School Closure Activities scheduled on days when school is closed will be cancelled and rescheduled. NO team or individual will compete on this day. Practices will be held after consultation with the Athletic Director or Principal. The Athletic Director will be responsible for contacting all affected parties when school is cancelled, i.e. officials.

B. If School Start Delayed If the start of the school day is delayed, a decision regarding all after school activities will be made prior to noon by the Superintendent after consultation with the Athletic Director, Principals and Transportation Supervisor.

Whether school is cancelled or delayed, transportation will not be provided for Pre-School and Head Start programs. This will be posted on the PSECS website. The Transportation Supervisor will notify appropriate bus drivers.

C. If School is Released Prior to Scheduled End It may be necessary to release students prior to the end of the school day due to weather conditions or other extreme emergencies. Such decisions will be made by the Superintendent or designee and communicated to each building as soon as possible. A decision to modify the school day must take into account the needs of all students. Building Administrators will implement emergency closure plans. The Transportation Supervisor will notify the emergency PSECS network.