Concrete Summer Learning Adventure is an exciting 5 week day camp for Concrete students ages 6 to 12. The students engage in reading and writing while going on field trips to local sites. They also spend Thursdays in the North Cascades National Park at Marblemount, where they have the opportunity to learn about our beautiful area while helping restore native plants and becoming Junior Rangers.
On Thursday, August 6th, the last day of camp, parents are invited to come to Newhalem for Family Day. The event starts at 10:00 am and continues until 2:00. Please check with your campers in the coming weeks for more information.
This camp would not be possible without funding from School’s Out Washington and rich partnerships between the Concrete School District, United General District 304, North Cascades Institute, National Parks Service, and Western Washington University. Thank you!
Check out the camp blog at