Apr 7, 2016 | District, Elementary School, Farm to School, High School
March Field Trips It’s growing season! We have planted several seed starts in our Farm to School portable classroom, and look forward to transplanting them into the community garden with several classes this Spring. Ms. Roozen’s 3rd grade class joined us for a walk...
Apr 7, 2016 | District, Elementary School, Farm to School, High School
February marked the first of many Food Service Staff trainings with Farm to School champion Kent Getzen, of the Wenatchee School District. These trainings will increase the school’s capacity to offer healthier scratch-cooked meals and continue using more and more...
Jan 20, 2016 | District, Farm to School
A big thank you goes out to all of the volunteers that helped clean up the Elementary on MLK Day. With lots of help from our great volunteers we filled dozens of trash bags with invasive species and blackberry bush trimmings. This project served as a valuable hands-on...
Jan 13, 2016 | District, Farm to School

On Monday, January 18th, you are invited to participate in a school clean-up event focusing on the Concrete Elementary campus and surrounding trails. Bring garden gloves and a garbage bag (some provided) to Concrete Elementary on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to participate. Volunteers will help pick up trash, pull weeds and remove invasive species to help their community. The event will go from 9am to 1pm, with a free meal served at 1pm to all volunteers. Meals are being provided by Concrete Farm to School, a community minded program bringing fresh and local farm food into the school cafeteria.
Nov 6, 2015 | Elementary School, Farm to School
The 5th and 6th grade classes visited Cascadian Farm, where they harvested pumpkins and learned about the process of composting. Mr. Hamilton’s 4th grade class visited Ovenell’s Double O Ranch and learned about raising grass-fed beef cattle. They also got to feed and...