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A message from Wayne Barrett, Superintendent: 

Following Governor lnslee’s proclamation which closes all schools for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year our district will continue to implement continuous learning for our students. This was not a decision lightly made, but we agree it’s the correct course of action to keep our community safe while reducing the spread of COVID-19 in our community.

Beginning next week, we will be reaching out to elementary parents regarding connectivity with internet. We are also contacting Frontier about their ability to provide service for families without internet. Please watch our website for distribution information for elementary Chromebooks. Our meal service will continue through June 19th. We really appreciate all the families and their efforts to meet our buses during delivery. Special thanks to our staff members who have been volunteering to assist in all facets of our continuous learning model. I have enjoyed being out delivering meals to the students and families a great deal. It doesn’t take the place of my bus conversations at the end of the day with our students, but I really enjoy seeing all of you.

We know that there will be many questions regarding what this extended closure means for Concrete students. We will be reaching out to our seniors with information about completion requirements. Please know that we plan to make every effort to provide some form of graduation celebration for them.

These are challenging times; however, I am confident we will overcome them and further our community spirit. Please remember that our goal is to stay healthy and support each other.

Wayne Barrett
Concrete School District

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