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I am pleased to announce that both Levies passed successfully in the Concrete School District Special Election. Thank you for your dedication to the education and well-being of our students, and for investing in our schools to create a brighter future for them.

The Replacement Levy for Expiring Educational Programs & Operations Levy passed with 56.57% YES votes.

The Capital Levy for Safety, Security and Accessibility Improvements passed with 53.21% YES votes.

Please note that levy measures require a "Yes" vote of at least 50%, and levy tax collections will commence in January 2025.

Thank you for taking the time to cast your vote and for your continued support of our community.

Carrie Crickmore
Interim Superintendent

2024-2026 Capital Levy

The Concrete School District is proposing a new Capital Levy that will be on the ballot on February 13, 2024.

The levy addresses the need for upgrades and repairs in the district’s aging buildings. The high school was built in 1952 and remodeled in the 1970s to create the Commons. The middle school was built in 1991 and has not been upgraded. Similarly, the elementary school was constructed in the 1980s and has not undergone any upgrades.

The district has created a draft capital projects list identifying the need for approximately $24 million in upgrades and repairs over the next 10-15 years. The Capital Levy is being proposed to begin addressing these needs. It is focused on improving safety, security, and accessibility in the school facilities.

If the levy is passed, the funds will be used to modernize and remodel the school facilities. This will include replacing the outdated fire and security alarm systems, upgrading and re-keying interior doors, and upgrading the main doors to each building to make them ADA accessible and secure them quickly. Other improvements will be made if funding is available.

What is the tax impact?

The replacement educational and operational levy totals an average of $2 million annually for the two years. Based on current assessed home values, the approximate rate per $1,000 is $1.88 for 2025 and $1.83 for 2026. The district will collect the levy amount, and the rate per $1,000 will be adjusted based on property values.