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August 18, 2021

2021-22 School Year Update

Concrete School District will open September1,2021 with full in-person learning in all buildings. However, the Governor has issued a mask mandate for all students, staff and visitors while in school facilities. I need to emphasize that masking is not a local decision and while I understand the concerns of some in the public, OSPI Superintendent Reykdal has made it known that if a district fails to follow the mandate OSPI will withhold funding.

We will adhere to recently revised Health Department guidance for all K-12 schools as required. In addition, continuing with health practices we believe assisted in keeping everyone healthy and safe. Buses and building entry points will continue with temperature and attestations. All athletic programs will adhere to recommended health practices and requirements. Our goal is to provide the safest learning environment possible for students, staff and the community. We will not have any remote options for Elementary students this year but will offer Edgenuity classes for secondary students if they choose to remain remote. In the Elementary we have very limited staff and as such are unable to offer remote instruction.

Governor Inslee announced a new directive requiring all employees of public and private K–12 school districts to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by October 18, 2021. We will comply with the additional requirements as defined in the order. I need to stress that many decisions are not local and while our view may be different we must follow these requirements.

We will offer Transitional Kindergarten this year for students four years of age and meet the assessment criteria. We are excited to begin this program which essentially gives students two years of kindergarten curriculum and instruction supporting their academic growth. We will continue to post further Covid-19 information as we are provided with it.

Please attend the Kick-Off open House with your student on August 30th from 4:00pm-6:00pm in both the Elementary and Secondary. We will have food, information and fun for all who attend. If you have any further questions please contact individual schools.

Wayne Barrett
Concrete School District